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Are Dog Nappies a Good Idea?

Are Dog Nappies a Good Idea?

Are Dog Nappies a Good Idea?

If you're a pet owner, chances are you have faced some rather messy situations! From toilet training your new puppy to female dogs in heat, male dogs marking their territory and then sweet senior dogs developing incontinence, mess follows pets at every stage of their life. Although a paper towel and some spray and wipe may be a handy answer to those one-off accidents, for consistent mess, many of us find ourselves looking for a different answer. Could dog nappies be it? Are dog diapers a good idea or are they just not worth the hassle? In this comprehensive guide, we'll answer your burning questions about dog nappies and why they might just be the game-changer both you and your beloved pet have been looking for.

Dog in Nappy Cartoon | Dundies


What are dog nappies?

 Dog nappies, also known as dog diapers, are exactly what your brain is imagining. Like a nappy for a baby, but with a hole for your dog’s tail. They are designed to be worn by dogs to address various issues related to hygiene and pet care. Usually, the diapers will be tailored to fit the anatomy and needs of your dog. Dog nappies are typically made from absorbent materials to capture urine and prevent it from soiling the dog's fur, as well as to manage faecal matter if necessary.

 Dog nappies come in various types, including disposable and reusable options. Their design takes into account the specific needs of dogs, offering a snug fit and comfort while providing effective containment of waste. They can be a practical solution for pet owners to ensure a cleaner and more hygienic environment while maintaining the well-being and comfort of their dogs. It is important when considering purchasing a dog nappy to remember that not all of them are made equal, so it is best to do your research.


Why Do Dogs Need Diapers?

 Now that we have gone over what dog nappies are, you might be wondering why a pet would need a diaper? There are various reasons why you might consider a nappy for your pet, we have listed them below in order of the most popular to the least common reasons.


Female Dogs in Heat

 Female dogs in heat can experience a messy and sometimes stressful period. Using nappies during this time can help prevent stains and odours. Nappies can help you keep your female dog inside rather than having to put her outside when she is on heat and risk an unwanted mating. Pet diapers can be especially useful if you don't plan to breed your dog but are delaying desexing.

Dog On Heat Cartoon | Dundies


Male Dog Marking or Spraying

 If you have ever taken a male dog for a walk, you would be no stranger to seeing them cock their leg and pee on every street pole and tree and random piece of footpath or sidewalk. Some male dogs that exhibit territorial marking behaviour even do it in the house and regardless of how many times you take them outside to wee, they just keep doing it! These naughty boys may benefit from nappies to prevent indoor marking. This can help maintain a clean-living space and reduce unwanted scents or any negative impacts to your own health as an owner.


Senior Dogs and Pet Incontinence

 Just like us when we get old, our furry friends are also subject to aging and some of the challenges that come with it. Dogs suffering from incontinence due to age, illness, or medical conditions may benefit from wearing nappies. These nappies provide a practical solution to manage accidents and keep your home clean, allowing your pet to lead a more comfortable and dignified life. So many pet owners struggle to find a way to manage pets who have incontinence issues and thousands of these dogs are put to sleep each year simply because their owners did not know they could use a nappy for their dog.

 These are just the three main reasons owners may opt to use dog nappies. Others may use them for travel, post-surgical events and during recovery and even as an alternative to a cone after a pet has been desexed.  


Dog with incontinence cartoon | Dundies


Benefits Of Dog Nappies

Hygiene and Cleanliness

 Pet diapers help maintain a clean and hygienic environment, particularly when dealing with incontinence, female dogs in heat, or territorial marking. They prevent urine and faecal matter from soiling floors, furniture, and carpets in your home.


Comfort and Dignity for your dog

 Pet nappies provide comfort and dignity to pets, especially those with incontinence issues. They allow pets to stay dry and avoid the discomfort of wet fur or skin.


Reduced Stress

 For pet owners, using pet diapers can reduce the stress associated with constant clean-up and the risk of damage to their home. This can lead to a more peaceful and harmonious living situation.


Environmentally Sustainability

 Reusable pet diapers offer an eco-friendly alternative to disposable options, reducing waste and contributing to environmental sustainability.



 Dog nappies are versatile and can be used in various situations, making them a valuable tool for managing different issues. You may have purchased a nappy when your dog was younger for when they were on heat, and can re-use it when travelling and then again when they are a senior pet if incontinence becomes a concern.


Disadvantages of Dog Nappies  


 The cost of pet diapers, especially if they are disposable, can add up over time. Reusable options may have a higher initial cost but can be more cost-effective in the long run.


Maintenance and Time

 Both disposable and reusable pet diapers require regular maintenance. Disposable diapers need to be constantly replaced, while reusable ones need to be washed and cared for.


Fit and Comfort

 Finding the right fit for your pet can sometimes be challenging. Ill-fitting diapers may lead to discomfort, leakage, or chafing. There are options out there like the Dundies pet nappies that have been specifically designed with vets for a great fit, but if you are shopping from multiple brands, you may have some challenges with some pet diapers.



 Over reliance on pet diapers without addressing the underlying cause of the issue, such as incontinence or medical conditions, may delay necessary treatment or intervention. Here at Dundies, we always recommend booking an appointment with your vet first if your dog is suddenly experiencing incontinence either bladder or bowel before you turn to using a pet nappy.


Environmental Impact

 Disposable pet diapers contribute to landfill waste, which can be a concern for environmentally conscious pet owners. These disposable pet nappies can take up to 500 years to fully break down in landfill.

 In summary, pet diapers offer significant advantages in terms of maintaining cleanliness, comfort, and stress reduction for both you and your pet. However, they also come with some disadvantages, including cost, fit issues, and the need for regular maintenance. The decision to use pet nappies should be made with careful consideration of the specific needs of the pet and the circumstances, and it's important to address any underlying medical issues with the guidance of your vet.  


How Do You Use a Dog Nappy?

 You have established that you want to use a nappy for your dog, and you have a brand in mind that you want to use, now, how do you use it? The actual use of a dog nappy is easy, you open the nappy, put it on the dog, and change it when it is soiled. However, for all our information lovers, here is a step by step.


1.    Choose the Correct Size

 Select a dog nappy that fits your pet comfortably. Sizing is essential to ensure the nappy stays in place and doesn't cause discomfort. Most nappy brands provide size charts to help you determine the appropriate size based on your dog's weight and waist measurements.


2.    Prepare the Nappy

 If you're using a reusable nappy, make sure it's clean and dry before putting it on your dog. If you're using a disposable nappy, take one from the package and unfold it.


3.    Position Your Dog

 Have your dog stand or lie down, depending on their preference and the nappy type. If your dog is comfortable with it, gently lift their tail to create space for the nappy. We recommend putting the nappy on while your dog is standing, and if they are a smaller dog, standing them on a chair may be easier.


4.    Put the Nappy On

 Open the nappy and identify the front and back. Dog nappies typically go on backwards compared to baby nappies and the Velcro or closure tabs will do up on their back rather than their belly.

 Place the nappy under the dog’s belly with the tail holes at the back

 Bring the nappy up between your dog’s two hind legs, feeding their tail through the hole and then securing it snugly around their waist using the tabs. You want the nappy to be firm but not too tight, you should be able to slip a finger or two comfortably between the nappy and your dog’s skin.


5.    Check the Fit

 Ensure that the nappy is comfortably snug but not too tight. Check that it covers the necessary areas without causing any discomfort or restricting movement.


6.    Adjust the Nappy as Needed

 If the nappy has a tail hole, make sure it's aligned properly. Check for any wrinkles or bunching that might cause leakage, and adjust the nappy as necessary.


7.    Regularly change the nappy

 Depending on your dog's needs and the type of nappy used, you'll need to change the nappy when it becomes soiled or overly wet. Frequent changes are essential to keep your dog comfortable and prevent leaks.


How Long Can a Dog Wear a Nappy?

 In the last step, we just learnt that you should be changing your dog’s nappy regularly, but how often is that? Just like with a baby, nappies should be changed every 3-6 hours or if your dog has soiled the nappy. Some brands are safe to use overnight, such as the Dundies pet nappies, however some brands are not. It is best to check with the company you have purchased the nappies from on how regularly they recommend changing.

Dog in nappy in wheelchair | Dundies


Should Dogs Wear Nappies?

 The decision of whether dogs should wear nappies, like Dundies, depends on specific circumstances and the needs of both the pet and the owner. We have explored some of the reasons pets might benefit from using nappies already in this blog. It's important to note that the use of dog nappies should not replace proper veterinary care or addressing the root cause of a pet's issues. If your dog is experiencing incontinence or other problems, consult your vet to identify and treat any underlying conditions.

 Whether your dog should wear nappies depends on their individual needs and the specific situation. Dundies and other quality dog nappies can be an excellent solution for managing certain conditions while promoting a cleaner, more comfortable living environment for both your pet and your family. Ultimately, the well-being of your dog should guide your decision, and using nappies can be a compassionate choice to ensure they lead a happy and comfortable life.

Dog at the vet cartoon | Dundies

Recommended Products

 When it comes to choosing the best dog nappies, Dundies is your top pick. These nappies are four times more absorbent than others, feature medical-grade waterproofing, and offer a close, comfortable fit. They are also UV, stain, and scratch-resistant, making them an unbeatable choice for your pet's needs.

 For females on heat check out the Dundies Snappies

 For incontinence check out the Dundies All in Ones and

 For male dog marking check out the Dundies Belly Bands

 In conclusion, dog nappies, especially those from Dundies, are a fantastic idea for pet owners. They provide a practical solution to common pet-related challenges, allowing you to enjoy more quality time with your furry friend without the mess and stress. Whether you're dealing with pet incontinence, female dogs in heat, or spraying, Dundies has your back, or should we say bum. These nappies are designed with expertise and love, ensuring both you and your pet can experience more cuddles and less mess. So, say goodbye to mess and hello to comfort with Dundies, your pet's best friend.

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